The communication between the teacher and the class is very important to know about how the students get involved in the class and with his/her classmates.
According to Carlos Monereo Font, the teacher has to read the class ie, the teacher has to know what is happening in his/her class. He give us a definition about a Competent Teacher: The Competent Teacher has to make more than 5 desitions per minute, the teacher has to get involved to the class. Even, the teacher hyas to maintain the controll in the class, for this, the teacher has to read the class.
During my practices at Escuela Secundaria Federal No. 5 "Jesus Romero Flores", I could notice that some teacher talk with the students about his/her performance in the classes and less than that, a few teacher talk with the parents of the student to make them known about his/her son/daughter.
During the brake and the changes of classses, I could make a kind of interview to the studdents to know about that communication between Techer-Class, Teacher-Student and Teacher-Parents' Students; and I got surprised because of the students' answers.
Some students said that, at least 2 teacher talk with their parents aboy their performance in the class.
Others told me that Tehe are no communication between the teacher and his/her parents because of their job.
So in this case, the student is completelly autonomus in the class and in the moment of the exams.
In spite of the students are autonomus, they said that all teachers talk with them about the califications and how they are in the process of learning. The reaccion of the studetns to this was so happy because the fell acepted with their teachers because they care about them.
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