The PHD. Philippe Perrenoud gave us some clues
to make easier the teaching process task. These ten new competencies for
teaching are considerate as a main clue in the teacher learning process.
These ten new competencies are:
- Organizing teaching process. Here talks about what we have to do with the students during the teaching process. We have to work with students evidences and share with the whole group and start to learning by the errors and obstacles they have in order to make themselves conscious of their own errors. To make better students, we as teachers have to make to the students to make some researches and became them in projects that can help them during their leaning process.
- To manage the learning progression. We as teacher have to know what the problems of learning of our students are. We have to make that our lesson plans cover the problems and how to solve the students’ ones. Obviously we don’t have to take away the objectives that the curriculum says. According to the last competence, the researches made by students, have to be involve with the practice, in order to make the theory and the practice joined. Finally, the teacher has to evaluate to the students according to the formative approaches.
- To develop and evolve differentiation devices. The teacher has a difficult task. He has to make students to socialize each other, no matter their nationality, where they live or the way they live. The teacher has to make join the class and respect the rights of every one. He has to make the classroom a room where the students can develop their abilities and be partners of their classmates. If the teacher notice that a student is not involved with the class, ha has the task to make him/her participate in the process of living in a classroom. Here is the most difficult task for the teacher. He has to develop the cooperation in his/her students in order to make a collaborative learning and create a codependence of learning.
- To involve students in their learning and their work. But the teacher task is not only to create a collaborative learning, he has to encourage to the students to learn by their own interest. This is a difficult task, because learners are teenagers and they don’t have any interest in learning process. The teacher has to make understand to the students that they have to work in teams and they have to evaluate by themselves. In this evaluation, the teacher has to be very carefully because some students are unconcern about their learning process and thing that the only person who can evaluate is the teacher.
- To work in team. According to the competencies published by UNESCO, to know to work in team is a great idea to share knowledge and create a codependence in learning process. As teacher, we have to encourage students to work in teams and to avoid differences between students. This competence is related to the last one that tells us that we have to make a joined group, despite of students’ culture. Here is where we can check if students are socializing each other or there are break downs and there aren’t friendship and partnership.
- To participate in school management. To work in team is not just student’s task. Teacher haves to work in team with his/her colleagues. The teacher has to put the example to the students that they have to work in teams. The teacher has to be involved with the administrative process. He/She has to coordinate and/or promote that the whole school actors have to be involved in the school management. Also, during this management, students can participate in this process.
- To inform and involve parents. To make a tripartite agreement, teachers have to involve students’ parents in order to make them participate in the school. Teachers have to make meetings with the parents in order to make them known of the grades of their kids. Obviously, they have to manage them.
- To use new technologies. Perrenoud shares us a very important thing, the technology. Students and teacher have to use very good the technology. We as teachers don not have to be unconscious and we have to try to encourage the use of the technology. Now days, the curriculum and UNESCO tell us that students have to work on wikis, blogs, or any other device that internet gives us. In universities, some carriers are by webcam classes thus; this is a great example of the technology use in universities. But not only in universities, some conferences are by webcam or any other device that work by cam.
- Deal with the duties and ethical dilemmas of the profession. To create a great environment in the classroom is too difficult, because of the huge intercultural students we have. And here is where a problem is in front of us, the violence. The violence is the most typical problem in secondary school. Teenagers are part of the bullying and the teacher has to stop this movement. He has to prevent that all kind of violence act, both in the school and the community. The teacher has to make some conferences about the fight of the right, the sexual and social discriminations. At the beginning of the course, the teacher have to make the rules that are going to be perform since the first day of the classes, till the end of the course. Also, he/she has to develop the responsibility in their students, in order to make this rules being acted.
- To organize the own continuous training. Here is where the teacher task is only for him/here. This competence is where the teacher has to be involved with the whole school, and with his/her own work. The teacher has to have a continuous training during his work life, he/she don not have to be just a simple graduated, and the teacher has to be an updated teacher. He/she has to be in courses or to keep learning during his/her life. But not just for him, the teacher has to encourage to his/her colleagues to keep learning too.
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